Training guide

Initial position: Angle >90°

Place Balance on a chair, stool, office chair or sofa. The seat is movable, so sit carefully. Adjust the height of the chair if possible, so that the hip angle is greater than 90°. Place your feet firmly on the ground and sit with your back straight without leaning against the backrest.

Exercises to try:

  1. Lift one foot
    Lift one foot at a time a few centimeters from the floor and hold for a few seconds, while the upper body is still. Repeat 10 times per foot.
    Advanced: Place your hands behind your head and close your eyes.

  2. Circle with the hip
    Move your hips in a circle by angling the seat down and rotating one turn. Keep your upper body and head still. Change direction.
    Advanced: Increase the size of the circle by angling the seat more.

  3. Lift one knee
    Lift the knee straight up as high as you can without touching the upper body. Repeat 10 times per knee.
    Advanced: Lift one straight leg, place hands behind head and close eyes.

  4. Tip forward and backward
    Angle the pelvis forward and sway, alternating by angling it back and arching the back.

  5. Wiggle side to side
    Move the seat in a controlled manner from side to side. Tilt the seat towards the base plate and stretch out to the side.

  6. Foot on knee
    Place the right foot on the left knee and angle the seat diagonally back towards the right side. Repeat with left foot on right knee.